
I’d like to continually engage with prospects that have shown interest in my brand

by Formada Social

Apr 8, 2024

Formada's VP of Paid Media discusses how to do programmatic advertising with a colleague.

Does it ever feel like you’ve gotten good at making people aware of your products and services, but getting them to take the next step is really difficult?

Odds are, they don’t have enough information about you to take action. That’s where a marketing tactic like Programmatic Advertising comes in. 

Programmatic Advertising is designed to push customer leads deeper into the marketing funnel by sending them targeted messaging about your products and services across streaming services, smart TVs, online radio spots and Spotify, native ads, banner ads, and more. 

Every ad and landing page is customized to meet your brand standards and drive more leads to your business. 

Ready to learn more? Let’s talk! Contact Formada today for your free consultation


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