
Email Marketing For Medical and Healthcare

by Meghan Kelly

May 8, 2024

Posted in Services

Formada Founder and CEO, Meghan Kelly, specializes in creating effective digital marketing campaigns, including email for medical and healthcare organizations.

Is Email Marketing for Medical and Healthcare Still Relevant?

Is email marketing dead? Not by a long shot! In fact, according to research conducted by marketing software leaders, Hubspot, 99% of email users check their email every single day, many of them checking it multiple times per day. 

While excessive email marketing outreach can be annoying to consumers, providing your database with information that is relevant, timely, and properly scheduled, is a great way to engage your audience and drive traffic to your business.

Email, like most marketing, is a communication tool. Use this tactic as a way to communicate with your prospects and clients in a way that creates the best possible brand experience.

Speak to their needs. Arm them with information that helps them solve their problems. Spend less time selling to them and more time confidently informing them of the value they’ll receive. 

Deployed effectively, email can be one of your most successful marketing tactics. And here are some of the most important benefits you’ll have earned. 

8 Reasons Email Marketing for Medical and Healthcare Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

You’ll Increase Your Website Traffic

All too many marketing campaigns forget one vital detail: Telling people what to do. Marketing centers on pushing people deeper and deeper into the funnel, until they’ve finally taken action. 

And then our job continues in order to turn them into satisfied customers, repeat visitors, and brand advocates. 

That means we need to make things easy for folks, including in our email messaging, and especially in our calls to action. The consensus across multiple email marketing platforms is to send messages that are between 50 and 125 words — pretty brief, all things considered. 

But those confinements contain a big benefit: Pushing readers to your website to learn more. This simple, clear call to action is the perfect way to increase traffic to your site, increase form submissions and sales, and ultimately grow your revenue. 

So remember, share your message, communicate it succinctly, and always include a clear call to action. 

You Can Earn A Strong ROI

Email marketing isn’t a particularly expensive tactic, compared to other forms of marketing. What’s more, email marketing is a great way to learn more about how your readers are engaging with your content.

These data insights can help you to improve your subject lines in order to increase your open rate, as well as help you improve the content you’re sharing, the days and times in which you’re sending your emails, and even which calls to action are most effective. 

The more you use these insights to test new strategies, the more you’ll learn about what matters to your customers. You can even apply these new insights into other marketing tactics to improve your overall performance. 

But your client insights don’t need to be limited to what you’re learning on the back end — email is a great way for getting direct client feedback. 

Garner Client Feedback Straight From The Source

One way of establishing trust with your customer base is through soliciting their feedback. 

Surveys are the perfect vehicle for learning about what you do well, why your customers choose you, and what you can do to improve their experience.

This builds trust, can reduce attrition, and should ultimately improve your products and services. 

Many email platforms contain survey templates that can be easily adapted for your needs. Make sure to give your survey a distinct purpose with a specific goal, keep it brief, and show appreciation for your readers’ time. 

Lastly, in order to build even more trust, tell your readers what you’re going to do with their feedback. You don’t need to provide them with the specific results, but acknowledging their opinions and expressing your commitment to accountability goes a long way in creating a positive perception of your brand. 

Email Marketing Can Spur Social Media Growth

Do you feel like your customers are missing out on the great content you’re sharing on social media? Maybe they don’t know about it!

Use your email marketing knowledge to let them know about all of the great things happening there — team updates, how-to videos, contests, etc. — and link to your social media so that it’s easier for them to follow you. Give them a good reason to become a part of your community. 

And even if your email isn’t specifically about social media, don’t forget to link to all of your social media accounts in your email footer to remind your readers of where else they can follow you.  

Email Is Great For Time Sensitive Offers

Consumers love getting a good deal, and email is an effective way to notify your readers about special offers on your most popular products and services. 

A succinct, focused email about the product or service, its benefits, the discount, and how they can take advantage of this special promotion is all you need to increase your opens, clicks, traffic, and most importantly, your sales!

Email Is Great for Personalized, Segmented Messaging

While tactics like programmatic advertising are one of the newer, increasingly sophisticated ways to send highly targeted messages to consumers, email marketing has been a long-reliable and efficient way to create segmented, personalized messaging. 

  • Request a product review for those who have recently purchased
  • Send a blog or case study to someone who is still on the fence
  • Wish someone a happy birthday and offer them a special discount
  • Thank a customer on the 1-year anniversary of their purchase and check in on how they’re still enjoying their purchase

There are a million and one ways to create and keep clients, email is the perfect means for sending highly personalized messages that express continued gratitude and appreciation.  

Announce New Services And Products

Marketing new products and services can be expensive. But that’s not the case with email. 

You can engage your database — an audience already interested in your brand — and create a big splash by giving them early access to your all-new offerings, complete with a customer loyalty discount (or other relevant incentive).

Exclusive, limited time access is a great way to motivate consumers, make them feel special, and create buzz around your new products.  

Get The Most Out Of Your Content

At Formada, we’re big promoters of the power of content. 

Well written, useful content is essential for engaging people and search engines, and websites, blogs, case studies, and guidebooks are the key to creating growth for your business. 

Email marketing is a great way to aggregate that content, summarize it in bite-size pieces, and create continued engagement. Email marketing strengthens your content strategy by redistributing, reminding, and renewing interest in what you’ve already published. 

You’ll get more mileage out of what you’ve already published, and you’ll garner even more insights about what content matters most to your audience, which can influence future content marketing pieces. 

Formada Does Email For Medical and Healthcare Organizations

Our Content team specializes in creating custom email content for medical and healthcare organizations, helping national brands grow their businesses through proven email marketing strategies. 
Custom copywriting. Custom design. All based on your business’s goals. To learn more about how we can help you create more effective email, contact us today. We’re here to help you achieve your goals.


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